Saturday, 18 April 2015

Dragon Craft Mod 1.7.2/1.6.4

Dragon Craft Mod lets you ride colorful glow in the dark dragons in Minecraft! The Dragon Craft mod adds more dragons into Minecraft that you can hatch and tame your very own pet Dragon in Minecraft. There are five new pet dragons in this mod which glow in the dark and can be flown all over your Minecraft world!


There are 5 dragons:

  • Fire Dragon

  • Ice Dragon

  • Water Dragon

  • Emerald Dragon

  • Gold Dragon

Why is there only one spawn egg?

  • The mod uses commands and locations to identify the breeds (will explain later)

  • To change the breed use the new /dragon command!

Dragon is a baby:

  • Yes that is normal! All dragons start off as babies and then grow until their normal size.

How to get one in survival:

  • Collect the enderdragon egg in survival and put it in a warm place. Then simply right click the egg and wait until its hatched.

How to tame / ride a dragon:

  • You feed it with fish until it loves you (like a wolf)

  • You can then saddle it and use the set controls (in the controls options) to fly it.

  • You can also craft a meat on a stick and use it to control your dragons.

Other notes:

  • The /dragon command will explain th command.

  • Dragons can be made to sit and not follow its owner when clicked with a bone.



Dragon Craft Mod 1.7.2/1.6.4

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